Happy Birthday to me :) I wish I could go better than before for living my life :) Thanks for my dad and mom, I love you...
Looking for something ?
Bad Girl Lyric (Japanese Version) - Beast
[Gi Kwang] I'm heart sick heal me be crazy Can't let you go Sad love song my love's gone Plz baby don't go far [Jun H...
Dinding - Dinding Bicara (Satu)
SATU. Satu sisi Malam ini hujan turun dan langit begitu suram. Suhu dingin menusuk kulitku dan menerobos sampai ketulang – t...
I hate you :(
I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair I hate the way you drive my car I hate it when you stare I hate your big ...
Pasar dan Ibu - Ibu
Hi guys ! hari ini gw mulai cerita gw. karena yah kebetulan mood gw lagi bagus buat cerita. Ok. Ini dimulai dari kegiatan gw pagi - pagi yan...
Ramadhan this time :)
Happy Fasting... May you have a blessed Ramadhan :) I apologize for all the mistakes that I ever done. Have a nice Ramadhan ! Lov...
You look so far away...
Everything has change. I dont understand why. Now you look so far away, I can't reach you, no I even dont have such a courage to g...
When I start to hear the walls..
W hen all the conversation push you not to talk anymore. You're hurt and start to cry... You only believe in your self Cuz, You've ...
Unfriend You by Greyson Chance
Unfriend You (By : Greyson Chance ♥) I really thought you were the one It was over before it begun It's so hard for me to walk aw...
Forgotten Me
Hey... How are you there? Have you forgotten me? Hey... Suddenly I remember about you. Cinta Pertama (Sunny). The Film reminds me abou...
Tugas Mandiri 2 [Kombinasi Record dan Array]
Yak kali ini saya akan men-share perpaduan program yang menggunakan record dan array :) Silahkan dicoba ;p ## uses wincrt; Type tabel_mhs =...
Dear Someone (I wish you understand)
Dan by Sheila On 7 Dan.... Dan bila esok...datang kembali Seperti sedia kala dimana kau bisa bercanda Dan...perlahan kaupun lu...
Love Story,
I'm Dying
21th April 12:40 Hufh I dont like lying on this bed alone when I get sick. I hate when I'm suferring this ill and Nothing I can do....
Program Menentukan Status Nilai
Postingan kali ini saya akan menuliskan Program Menentukan nilai. Dengan menggunakan Software Programing Delphi 2010. Dengan soal sebagai Be...
Program Diagram Kartesian
Baiklah, saya akan mem-posting script program Diagram kartesian dengan menggunakan Delphi 2010 Dengan soal sebagai berikut: Implementasikan ...
Should I cry?
Hi ... its been a while I'm not telling you the story of my life lately. In the last posting, yeah I was so sad. Because I lost ...
I Give Up
Look at the sky.. its crying, just like my heart does.. Hey you, You who ever filled the day. You who ever make me cry. And all those...
Dear Someone (A letter when you're alone)
Hey you, Would you take me fly to the sky? Would you take my mind out of the box? I feel like the world comes down. I feel like every...
STRUKTUR PERCABANGAN PERCABANGAN Operasi percabangan : operasi untuk mencabangkan eksekusi. Macam Percabangan : Percabangan dengan satu alte...
Tipe data, variabel dan konstanta
Tipe Data Tipe data adalah jenis data yang dapat diolah oleh komputer untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam pemrograman komputer. Ketepatan pemi...
Translasi Pemrograman
TRANSLASI Adalah Proses penerjemahan bahasa pemrograman (source code) menjadikan sebuah file atau berupa tampilan lain. Bahwa program komput...
Paradigma Pemrograman
Pertama - tama, mari kita pahami konsep - konsep dasar pemrograman seperti berikut : } Komputer digunakan sebagai alat bantu penyelesai...
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Whatever you do, or DREAM you can, BEGIN it, Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.